Samantha is 11!!

10:16 am Family Fun, Pennsylvania

I don’t feel old enough to have a child who is 11. Can I just tell them they can’t have any more birthdays?? My beautiful daughter is now taller than my mother and quickly catching up with me. She can wear some of my shoes but they are starting to get too small for her.

This summer Nathan’s younger sister, Christina, moved into my in-laws Winnebago and has been camping at our campground so she could go to the back doctors that took care of me because her back was in such bad shape. She had already had two surgeries on her back. Anyways, because she is at our campground my mother-in-law drove up with Christina’s friend, Bridgette, so Samantha had Aunt Christina, Own Grandma, and Aunt Bridgette at her birthday which made her very happy!

Here is Samantha waiting to open her presents…

Here is a picture of Samantha’s dessert choice. We had strawberry cupcakes (her favorite cake). Half of them had strawberry frosting and the other half had pink colored vanilla frosting with sprinkles…

Samantha received a Nintendo DSi, and a new game from us. Aunt Christina and Aunt Bridgette got her a case for the Nintendo and a purse to carry it in. Here is Samantha showing her purse off…

After Samantha’s birthday we left for New York to spend the week with my in-laws at their summer campground and to have a big joint birthday party for all of the kids with the whole Focht side of the family. While we were driving Joshua crawled up onto the mound of my mom’s stuff and fell asleep. I couldn’t resist taking a picture… or I should say my mom came and woke me up from a nap and forced me to take a picture! :)

On to New York….

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