July 20, 2008
Georgia, RV Life
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Nathan has been telling Timmy that if he learned to ride his bike without training wheels that he would buy all of the kids new bikes. Samantha and Timmy both had rust on their bikes because of being out in the elements. So Nathan bought Samantha and Timmy new bikes (Josh’s bike is newer so it doesn’t have rust). Here are pictures of the kids out riding their new bikes.

Samantha is with the owner’s daughter from the campground. We also bought a cover for the bikes so now when we are traveling they will be covered.
July 20, 2008
Georgia, RV Life
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Timmy stayed in his Level 1 class this week but I am glad because there is only 2 kids in Level 1 and about 9 kids in Level 2, so it is almost like he is getting private lessons. I still haven’t been able to get any good pictures of Timmy in class because his class meets right in front of me. Here are some more pictures of Josh and Samantha at swim lessons.

July 14, 2008
Georgia, RV Life
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Once we got here and were settled Nathan decided it was time for the RV to get a good wash and wax. The boys decided they would help put the soap on the RV.

I am sure you can see that this was just the help Nathan needed in the 90+ degree heat. :) SO…. it soon ended up in a water fight with Nathan manning the hose….

After everyone was completely drenched anyway we all went to the pool to cool off and play. The kids are taking swim classes as long as we are sitting for awhile. The classes started on July 1st so they missed the first week but they are doing good in their classes. Samantha was in level 3 but chose to go back to level 2 because she felt more comfortable. Timmy is the smallest (and youngest) in his level 1 class but he is doing better than most of the big kids. Josh is in a Preschool class this year so I get to watch from the sidelines instead of having to go in with him. Here are pictures of all 3 in their classes.

Misty is enjoying being lazy inside the air conditioned RV….

The kids have lessons on Tuesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. I will try to get better pictures of them in the pool. Samantha and Timmy have started school again. Samantha has finished her first week of fourth grade and Timmy has finished his second week of Kindergarten. So far both mom and I like Calvert better than the Abeka from last year. Samantha and Timmy are enjoying Calvert as well. Samantha even has Art each week and it goes with something else we learn. This week we were reading about cave people in History and the art lesson was for her to make cave drawings. :)
June 27, 2008
New York, RV Life
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The stew and mashed potatoes were delicious. Mom’s new diet does not include pineapple so instead of the pineapple upside down cake she chose a Boston Creme cake. Here is a picture of mom getting her cake delivered to her.

Everyone enjoyed the day. We spent most of the rest of the week watching the kids at the playground. They were sorry to say goodbye to their cousin Alex but we will be back in NY with her for the first week of July. Unfortunately, because of my allergies going crazy we will be going back to GA after that for a couple of months so I can get my health sorted out. Mom will still have her appointment with the surgeon in NY to have another opinion and to get her records but she will follow up with her doctor in Savannah and if they decide she needs surgery (every doctor has a different opinion on this) than she will have the surgery in Savannah.
June 5, 2008
RV Life
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Last night we received a phone call from the ER vet that Misty’s biopsy had come back and she chewed up her foot. There was no evidence of cancer. After reading about mast cell tumors once we got home from the vet on Sunday I figured it would be clear. I think the vet just saw a sucker and up-sold us for more money. Anyways… one of the things the vet had done was to put two staples in Misty’s paw where they took the biopsy. These were small holes and didn’t need a staple and the one was crooked. I think she was crying more then she needed to be because the staples were pinching her.
I called a PetsMart today and asked how much it would cost for them to remove them and they wanted a copy of all of her vet records before they would remove anything so we unwrapped her to let the wound breathe today and she tried to remove them herself. She managed to get most of the crooked one out but opened everything up so it was bleeding again. The vet I spoke with last night suggested warm compresses would be good for her so I sat with her putting warm compresses on and then took the tweezers and removed the staples myself. The bleeding was mostly stopped but she kept wanting to lay on the carpet so I re-wrapped her and she seems to be much happier now without the staples pinching her.