Who needs vets?

3:57 pm RV Life

Last night we received a phone call from the ER vet that Misty’s biopsy had come back and she chewed up her foot. There was no evidence of cancer. After reading about mast cell tumors once we got home from the vet on Sunday I figured it would be clear. I think the vet just saw a sucker and up-sold us for more money. Anyways… one of the things the vet had done was to put two staples in Misty’s paw where they took the biopsy. These were small holes and didn’t need a staple and the one was crooked. I think she was crying more then she needed to be because the staples were pinching her.

I called a PetsMart today and asked how much it would cost for them to remove them and they wanted a copy of all of her vet records before they would remove anything so we unwrapped her to let the wound breathe today and she tried to remove them herself. She managed to get most of the crooked one out but opened everything up so it was bleeding again. The vet I spoke with last night suggested warm compresses would be good for her so I sat with her putting warm compresses on and then took the tweezers and removed the staples myself. The bleeding was mostly stopped but she kept wanting to lay on the carpet so I re-wrapped her and she seems to be much happier now without the staples pinching her.

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