Missing Eggs and Wii

8:24 pm Colorado, RV Life

Unfortunately we woke up this morning and the eggs were gone. There isn’t any evidence around that they hatched. We found out the birds are killdeer plovers. We think that a snake may have gotten to them. Josh took this bit of information and has been trying to get Timmy’s toy plastic snake to spit out the eggs. :)

The other fun development this week is that Nathan decided to buy himself a Wii. He also bought Mario Kart, Playground games and Olympic games as well as the sport pack that comes with it. I had to buy another controller today so that all three of the kids could play Mario Kart without fighting over whose turn it is. I am still looking for another wheel for the controller. It seems that everyone around here has sold out.

The only bad part of this development is that I was planning on making a Wii the kid’s big present for Christmas so I will have to rethink what they will be getting this year.

One Response
  1. mason@fusionlink.com :

    Date: May 6, 2008 @ 5:45 am

    Wii is a must have. I’m surprised he waited this long. I guess it can’t hurt tell him that in June, Rock Band for the Wii gets released :)

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