
2:01 pm Georgia, RV Life

I know I am seriously behind…. but I am starting to feel like I can get caught up a bit.

We went back to Statesboro after the rally. Easter weekend started out with a egg hunt at my in-laws on Saturday. Here is a picture of the kids running around looking for the hidden eggs.

My mother-in-law gave them each tags to wear for their age group and Josh got to start first followed by Timmy and then Samantha and then she gave them special prizes for gathering the most eggs in their age groups. After the hunt the kids played with their new toys and we had dinner with them. I also gave all of the boys a haircut that day so they would be trimmed up for Easter morning.

Easter morning came at the RV and the kids woke up to their baskets and another egg hunt. Here are their baskets this year.

They each got a book and a special toy along with the candy from the eggs. After the hunt we got everyone dressed and headed to church with my in-laws. Here is a picture of the kids before church.

The reason I mentioned the haircuts is that during Nathan’s trim I accidently cut a groove in his sideburn. Nobody would have noticed but it bothered him so Easter morning he shaved his beard off. This is only the third time in 11 years that I have seen his cheeks.

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