Childrens Museum of Seattle

3:53 pm Family Fun, Washington

Unfortunately we do not get reciprocity at this museum. However, the kids had fun and that is what matters. I don’t have a lot of pictures of all three kids because everyone took the stance of stick with one adult and go your own direction. I love the children’s museums because EVERYTHING is intended to be hands on. The first part was a section where they had balls that you could put in various places and learn what happens with cog and gears.

Next, Joshua and I went to the Global Village. They had an African village set up as well as houses from Japan and the Philippines and markets and restaurants from both countries. Here is Joshua driving a car in Africa.

After finding some drums and bells Joshua had to bring his brother and sister to play with him.

Timmy’s favorite part of the day was the forest where he got to dress up like a bat. He was so excited about it he came and found Josh and I in the village so I could come and get a picture of him as a bat.

After we thought we had done everything there was to do at the museum we found another section. Here is Timmy driving a fire truck complete with jacket and hat.

Next they found a market. Both Samantha and Joshua took turns on the phone.

My favorite section was a restaurant that was donated by Taco Time. It had a kitchen prep area, a drive-up window, as well as tables where the customers could sit and be served. They even had warming lamps and soda spickets in the kitchen area. Here is Joshua preparing a meal and Samantha and Timmy eating at the booth.

I am glad that Barbara came to visit. Otherwise we probably wouldn’t have done as much sight seeing. I also got a new sandwich that I loved that I am going to try to make at home now. I had it two days at the food court. It was turkey and brie with granny smith apple slices on it. It was really good! :)

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