January 30, 2008 2:25 pm Family Fun, WashingtonI used to think I would never want to live where it snowed. I really love it here and am enjoying the snow! This is the perfect spot. About 20 miles in one way there is a town where there is no snow and 30 miles the other way is so much snow that the pass has been closed because of avalanches the last two days. On Sunday afternoon we decided to drive up to the mountains and take the kids tubing. However, we drove around the parking lots for a long time without finding a spot and ended up going to get some gas and planned to come back and try again at finding a parking spot. This is a HUGE ski area and there were people there to ski and snowboard as well as the tubing. While at the gas station we saw sleds for sale and thought that maybe we would just buy three and find a hill off the road since we saw many people doing this. Another family told us not to bother with the tubing because they only had one size of tubes and the kids would fall through them so that sealed it. They gave us directions to a public sledding hill and we bought three plastic sleds and headed out. Here is a picture of Samantha and Timmy throwing snow at me while we were getting everyone out to go to the hill.
Here is Nathan helping Joshua get his gloves on.
I couldn’t get a picture of us actually sledding since I was sledding with the kids. Timmy and Samantha both took two solo trips at the end but the rest of the day it was one adult with a kid in front of them going down the hill. It was my first time sledding (I feel so deprived). Timmy wants to go skiing so maybe next year we will give that a try. I have been skiing a couple of times. After we were done sledding we took a picture of the kids sitting on the sleds and asked a nice man that was working at the hill to take a picture of all of us.
I almost made it through the day without falling but when we were getting into the car, I loaded the sleds into the trunk and went to close the trunk. I didn’t have any traction with my sneakers so when I pulled down on the door, I slid under the car. My mother-in-law took a picture while Samantha was trying to help me up.
It took me a few minutes to stop laughing so I could get back out from under the car. :)
During the night we had snow falling and didn’t realize it so this is what we woke up to Monday morning.
Samantha took advantage of the snow and built a snow family on one of the sleds complete with a dog.
We were worried that we wouldn’t be able to get out of the campground but by lunchtime we headed out. Nathan had to meet with a client so while he worked we took the kids to the Children’s Museum. I will put that in the next post.
paltman :
Date: January 31, 2008 @ 9:08 am
Sorry Bonnie, but Patti will tell you that anyone falling cracks me up. I am still laughing picturing you sliding under the car. I’m glad you weren’t hurt but it so funny. Thanks for the laugh. By the way, I love the blogs, it’s fun to keep up with all of you.