Pacific Science Center

1:47 pm Family Fun, Washington

After the Space Needle we walked over to the Pacific Science Center. It is right next to the Space Needle. They have a whole bunch of things in the same area. There is also an amusement park, a children’s museum and a food court in the same area. I am really enjoying our membership to Boonshoft in Ohio. We all got in for free with the reciprocity program. The first building had dinosaurs in it. Both of the boys found a footprint and tried it on for size.

In the second building there were a lot of things that had to do with space. There were displays of soda cans that weighed different amounts and showed what they would weigh on different planets. They also showed how many Earths would fit in one Jupiter and how many Jupiters fit into the Sun. That was humbling to see how small the Earth is in comparison. While in that building, Joshua found a space capsule to play in.

Samantha and Timmy were busy building aliens.

After this building we went into one that had a live bug zoo and a butterfly house. Timmy and Joshua both got to pet a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach. There were also sections where they got to put together bugs. Joshua decided to take his ant for a walk after it was put together.

After the bugs, Nathan helped the kids devise a path to roll a ball down. They had a lot of fun learning what happens you put boards in various places and how it affects the path the ball takes.

The next building had a few more animals. They had some snakes, a display of naked mole rats, and a tide pool area that had starfish, anemones, and sea urchins that the kids could touch. They also had a water area they could play in. We didn’t let them play that long since it was freezing temperatures outside and we didn’t want them wet.

The last area in the science center was an area where you could test your strength and learn about your body and your senses. Timmy ended his day by playing tic-tac-toe with a robot. He thought that was pretty cool. We then went to the food court and headed back to the RV.

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