Space Needle

11:37 pm Family Fun, Washington

I have had a busy week and we have had a visitor for the last few days so I am behind on updating the blog. I am going to try to catch up on our week’s adventures tonight. When we got to Seattle I told Samantha that she needed to work really hard this week to get our schoolwork done because we had a surprise for them at the end of the week. Thursday night after the kids were asleep, Nathan’s mom arrived for a visit. I told the kids that they would have a surprise in the living room when they woke up on Friday. Samantha was up first and when she found grandma in the living room her first question was “Where are we?” Apparently she thought we have driven to GA while she was asleep! :)

The first place we went on Saturday was the Space Needle. It was very cold and windy up top.

After looking outside for a bit the kids and mom decided that watching from inside while eating snacks was a better idea. :)

Nathan, Barbara and I each took a lap around the top so we could see all of the scenery and take some pictures. Unfortunately you cannot see the mountains very clearly but it was beautiful to look out and over the city to see snow crested mountains in the distance. Here are some of my favorite pictures.

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