Going to Disney
December 9, 2007 9:14 pm Family Fun, Georgia, RV LifeCatching up…
Last week we had the pleasure of having some friends we met in Indiana at Newmar stay a night at the campground in Statesboro to visit with us. Their names are Scott and Nancy and we really have enjoyed the times we have been able to spend chatting with them.
Friday we drove to Magnolia Springs and spent the weekend camping out with Nathan’s company for a Winter Weekend. We had a great time and ate a LOT of food! The whole weekend was pretty much eating and campfires! Everyone did a 5 mile hike on Saturday but I stayed at the RV because I knew the kids wouldn’t be able to walk that far. However, on Friday we went out to the local Aquarium and saw an alligator on the banks where we were crossing. Then my mom took Samantha and Timmy on a 1.2 mile hike with Aunt Chris (she works for Nathan) and Bridgette (Joshua was napping) and while on the walk they saw 2 alligators! The funny thing was that Chris had let her dog go swimming that morning because she thought the alligators would be hibernating. Thankfully her dog is okay.
We left Magnolia Springs at 12:00. We stopped in Statesboro to drop off some things from the weekend and had lunch with Nathan’s parents. we then stopped in Brunswick and visited with Scott and Nancy at a parking lot on our way through. They winter in Jekyll Island and happened to be in town as we were passing by. We have a lively discussion on religious differences between denominations. Scott and Nancy are Mennonite and we are Catholic.
We left Brunswick at 7:00 and we are expecting to be at Fort Wilderness at 11:30 to check-in and then we will hit one of the parks tomorrow after breakfast. I will take the camera and get some pictures tomorrow of wherever we are. :)