
11:27 am Georgia, RV Life

We had Thanksgiving at Nathan’s parents house. His sister Christina and I made most of the meal to give his mom a break. Christina did most of the cooking. I made the mashed potatoes, the sweet potatoes and a small fruit salad without nuts for my mom. I was supposed to help his sister clean up afterward but Nathan had to take over for me because Timmy had a fever of 103 and wanted his mommy.

When we were visiting with my brother, his girls were under the weather so I think Timmy just caught their virus. His fever finally broke last night and he seems to be feeling better today. The funny part is that Samantha and Josh seem to be able to fight off the viruses easier. They have both been a little cranky and sleeping longer but the fever has been staying away from both of them.

It has been interesting watching how the immune system works with the kids. So far since we have been travleing they have not been sick except for the occassional sniffle here and there. This is the first fever we have had in 3 months! It is a nice change. I think Timmy is definitely the one who is more prone to catching things than his sister or brother are.

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