Spartan Service

8:03 pm Michigan, RV Life

After Indianapolis we drove to Charlotte, Michigan to go to Spartan for service. We figured since we had so many miles on our RV we should have the chassis checked out. They have a special inspection where they go over everything. We also needed an oil change on the engine and the generator. Since our service wasn’t until Monday we used the weekend to unwind a bit. The kids wanted to play with their new cars so they made good use of the big empty parking lot….

Charlotte is only about 30 minutes from Lansing, where I was born, so Sunday we spent some time driving around looking at all the places my parents lived and built. I wanted to drive by Sparrow Hospital since it is still there. It is the hospital that I was born in. Mom says it is a lot bigger than it was back then…

We drove by the student house that my parents managed at Michigan State University but it is now a parking lot for the police station that used to be across the street. Here is a picture of one of the first houses my parents built. It is actually for sale….

Then we drove by an apartment complex that my parents built. Here is a picture of a couple of the buildings…

I think my mom was enjoying the drive down memory lane. That night we went to dinner with old family friends, Al and Dorothy Hitchcock. They are semi retired from a family owned trucking business. My dad used to drive for them way back when. Here is my mom with Al and Dorothy…

Monday morning they took the RV in for service. Everything checked out great. Since I didn’t want the kids to run around crazy in the office my mom and I took them to the zoo and the science museum in Lansing.

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