Back in the ‘Boro!

1:33 pm Georgia, RV Life

We arrived in Statesboro on Thursday afternoon. We dropped mom’s trailer off at the RV park and headed to Nathan’s parents house. We called to tell them we had just arrived in Atlanta (sitting in their living room) to find out where they were. They were on their way home from Walmart so we headed out to the driveway to welcome them home. Nathan’s mom was trying to figure out who had an RV like Nathan’s coming down their street until she saw the kids in the driveway. I think she enjoyed the surprise! Samantha stayed the first two nights here with grandma so Samantha is happy. Nathan and Samantha are with his parents at the GSU Homecoming game right now.

I am parked outside of a laundromat because we had a LOT of laundry that needed to be done. Mom is doing the laundry and I just finished scrubbing the RV from back to front. Next we will go get some lunch and then I am going to sign the kids up for swim lessons at Splash in the Boro so they will be ready for warmer weather at the campgrounds that have pools. It is very difficult for me to take the 3 kids swimming because Samantha is the only one who can swim and she isn’t a very strong swimmer. I checked the website this morning and they have a class that runs from 10/29-11/15 so it will be perfect for them. The only bad part is that the class for Josh is for the kids and parents so I will have to get in the pool with him. I have lost a lot of weight since starting the RV lifestyle but I am not to the point that I like being in a bathing suit. :)

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