Backtracking – Camp Stambaugh Overnight

9:50 pm Family Fun, Ohio, Scouting

My picture files were out of order. BEFORE Samantha’s birthday, Timmy went to an overnight camp at the same camp he went to for Day Camp in Ohio. Nathan and Timmy enjoyed it SO much that they came home for a couple of days and went back the next weekend for another session! :) I had the camera during his second session so all of these pictures are from the first session.

Here is Timmy playing Bocci…

During the time Timmy was there a traveling RV came through that was celebrating 100 years of scouting. They did a presentation for the kids. Here is a picture of the RV and a picture of Timmy…

Here is Timmy learning a new craft…

With all of these Boy Scout camps, Timmy has been getting better at his archery. Here is Timmy by his first BULLSEYE!…

And lastly… this camp had the same theme as his Day Camp… Knights of the Round Table… so here is Timmy at the end of camp being Knighted…

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