Embrace the Pace

8:18 am Indiana, RV Life

Embrace the Pace is the motto for Nappanee, Indiana. I have been taking this motto to heart the last two weeks and have not been on here to update on our doings. We arrived in Nappanee last Saturday. We have been here ever since getting small repairs done on the RV. I cannot say enough nice things about the employees at Newmar. The only bad thing has been the early morning wake-up calls. They come and get the RV at 6:00 AM and we have to be out until about 2:00-3:00 PM.

Since being here we have net a nice Amish man who has been working on our coach. He is the one who comes and gets it every morning. He gave us a card for a bookstore that his wife and him were opening last weekend so on Saturday we went to their farm and spent quite a bit at their bookstore, Little Nook Bookstore. It was a very nice, well-stocked store and we bought a couple of books for each kid plus some puzzles and some hand-carved wooden trains for each of the boys. Next we went to the Farmers Market which is a huge wooden barn looking building that was all constructed by hand. AMAZING building!! Then we went to a corn maze that was really fun!! Nathan pulled all of the kids behind him in a cart that they supplied so he was a bit tired when we were done. It was 10 acres of corn.

Last night we were at the Inn at Amish Acres because our RV was being painted so they couldn’t give it back to us last night. During the day we walked over to Amish Acres and fed a bull that was in a fence between the two. Other than lack of sleep we have had a wonderful time here and have had the opportunities to socialize with other Newmar owners.

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