Timmy’s Birthday and COSI

7:01 pm Family Fun, Ohio, Posts by State/Canada

I forgot to say that Timmy had his birthday on the day we broke down. He turned 5! I had baked him a cake that morning and we were going to stop early and make stuffed shells (his favorite) for dinner. Unfortunately with the turn of events he got a McDonald’s Happy Meal at 10:00 for dinner. I did bring the cakes with me and the frosting and we had cake before bed in mom’s trailer. Here is a picture:

We spent the day on Saturday at COSI, the Science Museum in Columbus. The kids had a lot of fun (and so did Nathan). There was a ocean section that had lots of hands on fun with water. Josh especially enjoyed this section.

In the gadgets section there was a fun giant engine where you pushed the pistons in. Nathan thought it was great fun considering the recent blow up of our pistons.

Timmy tried his hand at lifting his own weight. He was very impressed with himself. He didn’t know daddy was helping. :)

Nathan quickly realized they had fun toys for the big kids as well. They have a unicycle that you can ride over the atrium. Samantha and I were tall enough but we were too chicken to try. Mom wanted to try but didn’t want to hold us up. We would have waited. Guess we will have to go back at some point so she can give it a try.

We all signed up for a chemistry class. Unfortunately Josh wouldn’t keep his goggles on so my mom took Josh to a play area for his age while Nathan and I did experiments with Samantha and Timmy. They had a menu of choices and you could choose which experiments you wanted to do. We did an experiment with alka-seltzer that caused a small explosion of a cap off of a film canister. We also did an experiment with ice and salt where we lifted an ice cube with a small piece of string after salt was poured over the string and ice sealing the string to the ice. We then finished with a whole bunch of experiments with baking soda and vinegar. Do you see a theme in what the boys wanted to do?

On our way out we were stopped by a roving demonstration. He showed the children what happens when a meteor burns up as it falls. He also had a piece of meteorite to show them. It was much heavier than rocks found on Earth and was also magnetic. After he showed them the burning up of the meteorite, he let Samantha try it to see if she could get the same result. You had to hit it with quite a bit of force so she wasn’t able to get the same result as he was.

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