Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry

6:33 pm Family Fun, South Carolina

I am trying to be a better mom. The kids haven’t had many outings lately because of my mom and I being under the weather. So today my mom and I took them to the Children’s Museum at Charleston. They had an art program for the boys so they spent the first hour of the morning painting. I snuck over to where they were painting and took a picture. This is Timmy. Josh is on the other side of the easel so you can’t see him.

While Timmy and Josh were painting Samantha spent her time on a shrimp boat and at the grocery store. The grocery stores are always her favorites at the children’s museums. She likes to pretend to shop and ring things out and prepare food. Here are pictures of Samantha.

Once the kids were back together again they found a room where they had golf balls that you could put into all kinds of different loops and twists. Here are two pictures of the kids on top of the mountain where they were launching some of the balls from.

One of the other golf ball items was a pole that had the golf ball run down in twists. Josh loved this one. He would start the golf ball and then try to race it to the bottom. Here is Josh running after the ball.

After this room the boys found their favorite… a water room! While they were playing Samantha talked my mom into taking her back to the grocery store. Here are two pictures of the boys playing in the water.

We had a lot of fun today. After lunch we had schooltime with all three kids and then Nathan took them for a bike ride around the campground. Tomorrow will be an indoor day for the kids so hopefully they blew off some energy today.

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