Surgery Update and Misc Photos
September 12, 2008 7:43 am Georgia, RV LifeI survived the surgery. Anesthesia was not fun. I think I feel more pain from the intubation than the surgery. I am having problems being able to clear my throat. Other than that the pain isn’t too bad. I woke up and still have the left side of my thyroid so I guess that means the cyst was benign. Here is a picture of my main incision and bruise.
I realized while I was uploading the picture I had a few miscellaneous photos that I hadn’t posted yet. The first is of Timmy in a bunny suit at his grandma’s house.
The next two I have a cute story to tell on my mom. While we were in Indiana it was my youngest niece’s birthday. We asked what she wanted and my sister-in-law said she would love a long Amish dress. Andrea likes cultural clothes and Meghan loves long dresses. So we decided to see what we could do. Mom went shopping in town to see if she could find something in one of the antique shops. They send her to an Amish store but they only had dresses for babies up to size 18 months.
On a side note every time we go to Nappanee we go to an Amish bookstore that is owned by one of the men who works for Newmar. They have two kids and their little girl is about the same size as Meghan. I had told mom to go and ask her if she could buy a dress from her. So she asked the owner of the dress shop if she knew the family and if she thought it would offend the wife. She said no so she went to the house and asked her. She brought her into the house into the laundry room and gave mom one of the dresses off of the line that had just been washed. She had never sold one of the dresses before so she was going to sell it to mom for $5 but mom gave her $20. Here is two pictures of Meghan in the dress that mom bought off of the back of an Amish girl! :)