Samantha’s ER Visit

6:18 pm Georgia, The Bad Days

On Friday Samantha asked me to change her earrings because her left ear was hurting. It had been at least three weeks since we changed them so I went to clean them off and remove them. The left earring came out without problems. The right earring however was another story. I went to remove it and couldn’t find the back. I thought at first it had just fallen off but the front didn’t come out easily. That is when I realized that there was a little bit of blood on the back and I felt around and realized that the back of the earring had embedded itself inside her earlobe. I called her doctor and they said they could remove it but not until Tuesday because he was out of town. I called every plastic surgeon and ENT doctor but nobody could see her or they didn’t deal with stuff like that so off to the ER we went. They numbed her ear and sliced it open slightly until they were able to remove the earring. The ER doctor felt like it had been in there for awhile. Here is what her ear looks like now.

They said the hole should heal in a week and after about 6 months or so she should be healed enough to be able to get her ears pierced again. I guess I don’t have to worry about changing her earrings for awhile. :)

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