Williamsburg, VA (9-8-07)

1:29 am Family Fun, Virginia

Okay… I remembered the camera this day. We decided since we weren’t too far away from Williamsburg that we would head there on our way to Indianapolis so we stopped on Saturday and spent the day.

When we first got into the visitor’s center we saw a sign for costumes that you could rent for the kids. The kids wanted to so we rented them costumes.

With the costumes came a letter for each of the kids asking them to do chores for the author. The girls get to learn how to do a proper courtesy, plant some seeds and pick up a letter at the post office and deliver it to the printer. The boys get to learn how to be in the military (was closed when we were there), plant some seeds, and pick up a letter from the post office and deliver it to the printer.

We went to the garden so the kids could learn how to plant seeds. The gardener let Samantha hoe the line while the boys supervised to make sure her line was straight.

Next the gardener gave them all some cabbage seeds to place in the line.

Next Samantha had to hoe the ground again to level the dirt back over the seeds. While she was busy doing this the boys went with the gardener and fetched some water to water the seeds with.

Next we went to the post office and printers. We spent some time walking through the town and learning about the various shops and jobs. We samples some items from the bakery and listened to the fife and drums.

Next we took in a play and then on the way out of town we showed the children what would happen if they misbehaved.

Needless to say we had a fun day but we were all tired from the walking so we headed out hoping to make it most of the way to Indy before stopping for the night.

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