Happy Birthday Mom!

6:03 pm The Bad Days, Wisconsin

Yesterday was my mom’s birthday! What did she get for her birthday? She got to use her Medicare card for the first time. Last week mom started to not feel well so she started to take the antibiotics that her gastroenterologist had given her in December. She wasn’t feeling better and started feeling worse when she woke up for her birthday so I took her to the ER at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

Unfortunately she wasn’t happy with them when they told her she was staying. They did a CT scan and some bloodwork. Her white blood count was up again and the CT scan showed an area that was ruptured but contained. We had to wait for the surgeons to come speak with us and they felt that her body was keeping it contained so she didn’t need surgery yet. However, they suggested that she schedule elective surgery to remove the section as soon as she gets back to Savannah.

The doctor that did rounds today said that he might have released her today but because we are traveling he wants to keep her another night. So hopefully mom will be out of the hospital tomorrow and will be able to have her birthday dinner in a few days. She had picked out homemade stew and mashed potatoes and a pineapple upside down cake that Samantha and I were going to make her.

Tomorrow is Nathan’s birthday so we will be making lasagna and yellow cake with chocolate frosting for his special meal!

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