
10:46 pm Campgrounds, Family Fun, Iowa, RV Life

We stayed at some pretty campgrounds on this part of the trip so I thought I would share a few pictures. The first two are of the campground in Minnesota, Dakotah Meadows. It is at an Indian Casino.

After leaving Minnesota we spent a week in Iowa at a nice campground on the river called Upper Iowa Resort and Rentals. They are directly on the Upper Iowa River and they are nestled in a valley so this was truly camping. We had no cell phones, no internet, very little satellite TV and no antennae TV. It was a very nice, quiet campground and we caught up on a lot of reading. We also finished school and started our book burnings. Here is a view of the river across from our site.

We found some interesting animal tracks by a fallen tree at the edge of the river. Not sure what made them, though.

Samantha decided it was very interesting that the flowers that grew by the river were much bigger then the flowers growing by the campsites. Here is Samantha showing the difference and then a picture of all three of the children with the flowers.

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