Biopsies Again…

8:47 pm Uncategorized, Wisconsin

This must be the month. First, Andrea received good news. The lymph node contained tissue that is supposed to be gone in adults. I heard sinus tissue, mom heard thymus tissue… not sure which it was. Anyways, no malignancy was found. They are meeting with the oncologist this week to decide if they need to do anything with it. The thoracic surgeon wants her to have another CT scan in three months and if it has grown he will want to remove it at that point.

Today we had to take Misty to an emergency vet and she ended up with a biopsy. On Monday or so she had a small dime sized raw spot on her front paw behind the pad (like at her wrist area). Thursday morning we woke up to blood everywhere. She had chewed on it until it was a 3-4″ square of raw skin. I have been rinsing it with peroxide and bandaging it but she has been crying a lot and she has been wanting to lay outside. Nathan thinks that might be because nobody is bumping into her outside. However, she hasn’t eaten anything for 2 days and ate very light the 2 days before that. She is barely drinking water and today she was breathing strangely with shivers.

The vet looked at it. She was concerned it might have been a mast cell tumor. They gave her pain meds, sedated her slightly and cleaned out the wound. She prepared a slide from what was in the wound and said she thought she saw mast cells so then we had to wait longer so she could take a biopsy to send to the lab and also do a chest x-ray to see if there was anything in her lungs. Her lungs are clear. We will know by Tuesday if Misty’s biopsy shows cancer.

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