Prayers for Andrea

5:42 pm Uncategorized

Andrea is my sister-in-law in Atlanta. This week has been very busy and most of it has been spent worrying about Andrea. On Friday, she went to the hospital with chest pains. They scanned her chest and found that she had lymph nodes that were enlarged. What they saw looked like cancer so they sent her to an oncologist. The oncologist told her he thought it was most likely Hodgkins Lymphoma and she went today to see a thoracic surgeon about getting a biopsy. They are going to try to do it through her trachea or through a small incision in her neck. If they do, she will be back home that same day and be fine. If not, they will have to go through her chest or back which will have a 10 day recovery. After the biopsy comes back, they will do a PET scan if it is malignant. Depending on the results of the scan they will then test her bone marrow. She is supposed to have the biopsy on Tuesday and if they end up having to go through the chest or back then mom will be traveling to Atlanta to help out while she recovers. They have two daughters who are 4 and 2.

We did a few things in Missouri and Minnesota. I have put the pictures on my computer but haven’t gotten farther than that. Samantha is in her last week of school and then 3rd grade is done!! Tomorrow we will be on our way to Iowa for a few days. I will update everything this weekend once school is over.

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