Snow in the Boro

Family Fun, Georgia No Comments

In the middle of February there was a freak storm in Statesboro that brought with it…. SNOW!! I have been in the Boro before when it snowed but this time it was really coming down and it actually stuck to the ground and stayed. The kids all went out and had a snowball fight. The only problem occured when Timmy put snow down my mom’s neck. Timmy and Josh had the same sweatshirt on and mom went to retaliate against Timmy and instead she pushed Josh face down into the snow. Josh was not very happy with grandma! :)

Here is a picture of the bikes and the picnic table the night of the snow…

Here are some  pictures around the campground and the town taken the next day….

GSU Cheerleader Day

Family Fun, Georgia No Comments

Anyone who reads this blog will not be surprised by me being extremely behind. Right now I am sitting at the Hyatt in Savannah for CommerceV3’s Second User Conference. The Hyatt is doing such a wonderful job that here I sit with not much to do…. but since my computer is here I really have no excuse for not updating the blog so…

I know I mentioned back in January that Samantha was going to the GSU Cheerleader for a Day program. Samantha had SO much fun. Here she is sitting in the stands enjoying the basketball game…

And here are pictures of her performing…

Talmadge Forester

Georgia, The Bad Days No Comments

When we first started this journey we had to rush home on an early trip because my grandfather, Talmadge Forester, was in the ICU. As you know he recovered well enough that he was put into a nursing home where they had him walking around. This month he started a rapid decline. Last week he was put back onto hospice care while in the nursing home. My brother, Tim, drove down this weekend so he could visit with him for a last time. I think he will be glad that he came. My mom and my brother went to visit with him yesterday and went back again tonight. They left him at about 10:00PM and my mom knocked on my window a little after 12:00AM to let me know that she had received a phone call from hospice and that her dad had died.

For those of you who are religious who read this blog, please say a prayer for my mom. There will not be any services held for her father. My grandfather was suffering for the last few weeks and I know that we are all glad that his suffering is over. He is having a party in heaven tonight with all of his brothers and sisters and his wife. Rest in Peace grandpa!

Keeping Current

Georgia, RV Life No Comments

Or at least trying to! :) After the FOTR Rally we drove back to Statesboro where we will be spending the next 3 months. We aren’t doing too much so far. We are just doing a lot of schoolwork. My mom and I have hired ourselves a personal trainer, Fit by Julie. She comes to the RV park twice a week. We figured this would be a good solution to getting in shape. If she can bring the items in her car then I can carry the same items in the RV. So hopefully we can get into the habit of working out with Julie for the next few months and then keep it up while we aren’t in Statesboro. We will see. We had our first workout on Thursday and I am extremely sore!! My mom isn’t too bad so I am guessing she just didn’t push it as hard.

I am going to start Samantha on guitar lessons in a couple of weeks and tomorrow she is going to a cheerleading camp at GSU called Cheerleader for a Day. She gets to learn from them and then the kids perform at the halftime of the basketball game tomorrow. I will try to get some good pictures of her at the halftime. Timmy is thinking that he wants to take gymnastics lessons so I may sign him up for some lessons next month. We will have to see if we can come up with something to entertain Joshua…

Anyway… if you don’t see any updates for awhile it is just because we aren’t doing anything worth mentioning! :)

Christmas in Statesboro

Family Fun, Georgia, RV Life No Comments

Christmas Eve was a little different than usual for us this year. Since we didn’t get to church Mrs. Claus had to deliver the Christmas pajamas while at grandma’s house for dinner. Here are the kids in their pajamas….

Then they left pumpkin cookies for Santa and clementine slices for the reindeer….

A picture of the tree with the presents from mom, dad, and grandma…

The presents from Santa Claus…

And what Dory thought of the aftermath the next morning….

I am just a BIT late updating. I should be caught up again tomorrow! :)

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